The Online Journey Begins

The Online Journey Begins
The COVID-19 pandemic has meant the biggest 6 weeks of uncertainty we could ever have imagined. As we approach the end of April, Susgrainable is finally building a little clarity into what the future holds. Our new normal has seen us spend an enormous amount of time on our computers as we are set to launch our new website along with other exciting initiatives!


That’s it from us for now. We mentioned monthly updates in our previous post. Well, during uncertain times, it’s best to over-communicate than under-communicate. Saying this, our goal is to keep you in the loop so we can all continue to #thinkcircular more often. We strive to keep these updates informative and brief moving forward. As always, please let us know if there is anything you’d like us to share at

Chat soon,

The Susgrainable Team

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